Note 6 - Revenue

Revenue increased by 5.0% in 2019 on a consolidated basis and by 4.1% based on comparable Group structure and exchange rates (like-for-like).
The like-for-like change in revenue is calculated by comparing:

  • 2019 revenue to exclude companies consolidated for the first time during the year, and 2018 revenue to exclude companies divested in 2019;
  • revenue for 2018 and revenue for 2019 adjusted based on the exchange rates applicable in 2018.

The difference between consolidated and like-for-like revenue is essentially attributable to a €92 million positive foreign exchange effect resulting mainly from the appreciation of the US dollar. The €18 million negative scope effect reflects the disposals of media assets, chiefly offset by the two acquisitions carried out at Lagardère Travel Retail (HBF and IDF).

Revenue breaks down as follows:

  2019 2018 (*)
Lagardère Publishing 2 384 2 252
Education 347 318
Illustrated Books 312 289
General Literature 1 034 998
Partworks 294 275
Other 397 372
Lagardère Travel Retail 4 264 3 673
Travel Essentials 1 613 1 566
Duty Free & Fashion 1 692 1 483
Foodservice 960 624
Other Activities 288 301
Press 121 129
French Radio 110 125
Other 58 47
Lagardère Active – non-retained assets 275 642
Magazine Publishing – non-retained assets - 248
International Radio - 30
TV Channels 49 110
Audiovisual Production 218 215
Other 8 40
Total 7 211 6 868

(*) Lagardère Sports revenue has been reclassified within discontinued operations in accordance with IFRS 5 (see note 4.3).