Note 28 - Provisions


In application of the principles set out in note 3.19 “Provisions for pensions and other post-employment benefit obligations”, provisions are recognised to cover the Group’s obligations under defined benefit plans.
The provision recognised at 31 December represents the value of beneficiaries’ accumulated rights less the related plan assets. The Group’s main obligations concerning pensions and other post-employment benefits relate to plans in the United Kingdom and France.

United Kingdom
The Group’s pension plans in the United Kingdom are closed to new entrants and current members may no longer accrue any future benefits. The pension benefits payable under these plans are based on beneficiaries’ career average salaries. The plans are funded by plan assets, and in accordance with the applicable law are subject to minimum funding requirements. A Board of Trustees – made up of an equal number of representatives of the employer and employees/ retirees – is responsible for ensuring that the plans are properly managed from both an administrative and financial perspective. At 31 December 2019, the plans in effect in the United Kingdom represented an aggregate obligation of €237 million (60% of the Group’s total obligation) and plan assets amounted to €247 million (92% of the Group’s total plan assets).

The most significant plans in place in France relate to end-of-career bonuses paid to employees in accordance with the specific requirements of each entity’s collective bargaining agreement. Employees are paid this bonus when they retire and its amount is calculated based on the employee’s length of service and the terms and conditions specified in the relevant collective bargaining agreement. End-of-career bonuses are not covered by funded plans and are not subject to any minimum funding requirements. These plans represented a benefit obligation of €69 million, of which €3 million was reclassified within liabilities associated with assets held for sale, leaving a net benefit obligation of €66 million (16% of the Group’s total benefit obligation).

The tables below give details of the assumptions used for measuring the Group’s pension and other post-employment benefit obligations as well as movements in their value and the related provisions recognised.

Change in present value of benefit obligation

  2019 2018
Present value of benefit obligation at beginning of year 358 400
Current service cost 9 9
Plan amendments/Curtailments (13) 8
Settlements (4) (1)
Interest expense 8 8
Employee contributions - -
Benefits paid (12) (19)
Actuarial (gains) and losses from changes in demographic assumptions - (3)
Actuarial (gains) and losses from changes in financial assumptions 39 (17)
Actuarial (gains) and losses from experience adjustments 1 (1)
Changes in scope of consolidation and assets held for sale(*) (33) (22)
Translation adjustments and other 12 (4)
Present value of benefit obligation at end of year 365 358
Present value of benefit obligation at end of year for funded plans 277 262
Present value of benefit obligation at end of year for unfunded plans 88 96

(*) Classified within liabilities associated with assets held for sale in an amount of €34 million at 31 December 2019 (see note 4.3).

Change in fair value of plan assets

  2019 2018
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year 229 239
Interest income 7 7
Effect of remeasurements 22 (9)
Employee contributions - -
Employer contributions 5 7
Benefits paid (8) (9)
Settlements - -
Changes in scope of consolidation - -
Translation adjustments and other 13 (2)
Fair value of plan assets at end of year 268 229

Asset allocation at 31 December

  2019 2018
Shares 18% 18%
Bonds 71% 73%
Real estate 2% 3%
Money market instruments 3% 2%
Other 5% 5%

Calculation of net amount recognised as a provision at 31 December​

  2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Present value of benefit obligation 365 358 400 395 368
Fair value of plan assets (268) (229) (239) (229) (230)
Unrecognised past service cost - - - - -
Net amount recognised as a provision 97 129 161 166 138

Movements in the provision recognised in the balance sheet​

  2019 2018
Provision at beginning of year 129 161
Net expense for the year (7) 17
Actuarial (gains) and losses recognised in equity 19 (8)
Employer contributions (5) (7)
Benefits paid by the employer (4) (10)
Changes in scope of consolidation and assets held for sale(*) (33) (22)
Translation adjustments and other (2) (2)
Provision at end of year(**) 97 129

(*) Classified within liabilities associated with assets held for sale in an amount of €34 million at 31 December 2019 (see note 4.3).
(**) Including €106 million in provisions for post-employment benefit obligations and a negative amount of €9 million recognised under other non-current assets for two overfunded plans.

Calculation of net expense for the year

  2019 2018
Current service cost 9 9
Plan amendments/Curtailments (13) 8
Settlements (4) (1)
Interest expense 1 1
Actuarial gains and losses on other employee benefits - -
Net expense (income) recognised in the income statement (7) 17
Actuarial (gains) and losses from changes in demographic assumptions - (3)
Actuarial (gains) and losses from changes in financial assumptions 39 (17)
Actuarial (gains) and losses from experience adjustments 1 (1)
Excess of actual return on plan assets (21) 13
Effect of asset ceiling - -
Remeasurement of the net liability recognised in equity 19 (8)
Net expense for the year 12 9

Actuarial assumptions used to calculate benefit obligations​

  2019 2018
Discount rate: weighted average for all countries including: 1.81% 2.40%
 - Eurozone(*)
 - United Kingdom(*)
Average expected rate of benefit increase 2.90% 3.09%
Average expected rate of salary increase 2.00% 1.86%
Expected rate of healthcare cost inflation:    
 - initial
 - ultimate
 - year in which ultimate rate is expected to be reached

(*) Discount rates are derived from market rates on high quality corporate bonds (rated AA) with maturities that approximate those of the estimated future payments under the plans. The benchmark index used for the eurozone is the iBoxx Corporate AA.

Experience gains and losses recognised in equity​

  2019 2018
Difference between actual and expected return on plan assets
Gains (losses)  22 (13)
Percentage of plan assets at year-end 8.30% -5.49%
Experience adjustments
Losses (gains) 1 (1)
Percentage of present value of plan liabilities at year-end 0.30% -0.20%

Sensitivity to changes in healthcare cost inflation assumptions (+/-1%) for post-employment medical plans

  2019 2018
Present value of benefit obligation at 31 December - 13
Effect of a 1% increase:    
  • on present value of benefit obligation
- 56
  • on expense for the year
- 4
Effect of a 1% decrease:    
  • on present value of benefit obligation 
- (38)
  •  on expense for the year
- (2)

Sensitivity of the obligation at 31 December 2019 to changes in the discount rate​

Impact on present value of benefit obligation (33) 30
Weighted average duration of obligations 16 ans

Expected employer contributions​

  2019 2018
Expected employer contributions 5 5

Actuarial gains and losses recognised directly in equity​

  2019 2018
Actuarial gains (losses) at 1 January​ (17) (22)
Change during the year:    
  • in value of benefit obligation
(41) 20
  • in fair value of plan assets
22 (13)
Actuarial gains (losses) at 31 December (36) (15)
Deferred tax impact (3) (2)
Actuarial gains (losses), net of tax at 31 December​ (39) (17)

Current and non-current provisions for contingencies and losses primarily cover the following:

  31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Future losses on long-term contracts and other contracts - 6
Restructuring and withdrawal costs 32 32
Claims and litigation 38 64
Other contingencies 224 234
Total 294 336
Of which:    
  • non-current provisions​
156 190
  • current provisions​
138 146


2019 At 1 Jan.
in scope of
Charges Utilisations Releases
of surplus
Reclassifications Liabilities
with assets
held for
At 31 Dec.
Future losses on long-term contracts and other contracts 6​ - - - - - - (6) -
Restructuring and withdrawal costs 32 - (2) 22 (17) (17) 14 - 32
Claims and
64 - (5) 3 (4) (8) (12) - 38
Other contingencies 234 1 (8) 46 (30) (24) - 5 224
Total 336 1 (15) 71 (51) (49) 2 (1) 294


2018 At 1 Jan.
in scope of
Charges Utilisations Releases
of surplus
Reclassifications Liabilities
with assets
held for
At 31 Dec.
Future losses on
long-term contracts and other contracts
6​ - - - - - - (6) -
Restructuring and withdrawal costs 29 - 2 20 (15) (4) 5 (5) 32
Claims and litigation 69 - 1 9 (7) (2) - (6) 64
Other contingencies 263 (1) 5 40 (31) (38) 9 (13) 234
Total 367 (1) 8 69 (53) (44) 14 (24) 336

Provisions for claims and litigation cover risks identified at the end of the reporting period and are based on the estimated amount of potential losses for the Group.
Amounts shown under “Other contingencies” comprise items not directly attributable to the specific categories listed and relating to generally small individual transactions carried on in the ordinary course of business and concerning all consolidated entities.