Note 11 - Other operating expenses

  2019 2018 (*)
Net change in asset impairment losses (50) (9)
Financial expenses other than interest (2) (7)
Foreign exchange losses (1) (1)
Other operating expenses (30) (18)
Total (83) (35)

(*) Other operating expenses relating to Lagardère Sports were reclassified within “Profit (loss) from discontinued operations” in accordance with IFRS 5 (see note 4.3).

The net change in asset impairment losses includes impairment losses for Lagardère Publishing taken against advances paid to authors totalling €35 million in 2019 and €16 million in 2018. Other asset impairment losses relate to changes in impairment losses on trade receivables and inventories for Lagardère Publishing. Other expenses mainly comprise variable rental expenses in respect of retail premises sub-let to partners at a Chinese airport by Lagardère Travel Retail, for which the associated income is billed and recognised in other operating income (see note 12).