Note 12 - Other operating income

  2019 2018 (*)
Net reversals of provisions for contingencies and losses 18 31
Operating subsidies 13 19
Audiovisual tax credit 7 7
Other tax credits 1 -
Other operating income 38 37
Total 77 94

(*) Other income relating to Lagardère Sports was reclassified within “Profit (loss) from discontinued operations” in accordance with IFRS 5 (see note 4.3).​

The amount recorded under “Other income” mainly comprises sub-letting income invoiced by Lagardère Travel Retail entities in China under airport concession agreements. The corresponding lease expenses incurred under these concession agreements are recognised in other operating expenses (see note 11). Net reversals of provisions for contingencies and losses primarily relate to Lagardère Active in 2019 and 2018.