Note 33 - Contractual obligations

Les tableaux ci-après présentent la synthèse des obligations contractuelles du Groupe. À l’exception de certains passifs financiers, les décaissements futurs sont exprimés en valeur nominale non actualisée.

  Payments expected Total
  Within 1 year 1 to 5 years Beyond
5 years
31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Bonds and bank loans (net of derivatives) 13 1,187 562 1,763 1,486
Other debt 524 75 13 612 591
Other non-current financial liabilities 8 10 19 37 224
Trade payables 1,249 - - 1,249 1,189
Currency swaps 10 - - 10 4
Other current financial liabilities  1,199 - - 1,199 1,448
Total financial liabilities 3,003 1,272 594 4,870 4,942
Expected bank interest on debt(*)  22 122 23 167 108
Commitments for future capital expenditure - - - - 2
Total contractual obligations excluding lease liabilities 3,025 1,394 617 5,037 5,052

(*) Variable-rate interest payable has been calculated based on the rates in force at 31 December 2019. It is reported excluding accrued interest already included in debt in the balance sheet.

The lease liability repayment schedule is presented separately in note 18.

Guaranteed minimum payments
Besides these contractual obligations, entities in the Sports and Entertainment division are bound by guaranteed minimum payments on long-term contracts for the sale of TV and marketing rights. These obligations represented a total amount of €172 million at 31 December 2019.

These payments break down as follows by maturity:

Maturity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Beyond
5 years
31 Dec.
31 Dec.
minimum payments
under sports rights
marketing contracts
120 19 13 8 6 6 172 981

Lagardère Travel Retail
In accordance with IFRS 16, minimum guaranteed payments under concession agreements give rise to the recognition of a right-of-use asset and lease liability in the balance sheet (see note 1.1).

Sports rights marketing contracts
Entities forming part of Lagardère Sports and Entertainment have signed marketing contracts with broadcasters and partners. At 31 December 2019, the amounts due under these contracts totalled €776 million, breaking down as follows by maturity:

Maturity 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Beyond
5 years
31 Dec.
31 Dec.
Sports rights
marketing contracts
signed with
and partners
337 176 95 62 48 58 776 1,513