8.1 Cross-reference table with the Annual Financial Report

The Annual Financial Report prepared in accordance with article L. 451-1-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code monétaire et financier) and article 222-3 of the General Regulations of the French financial markets authority (Autorité des marchés financiers — AMF) comprises the information, documents and reports listed below, which are presented in the chapters, sections and pages indicated of the accompanying Universal Registration Document.

Parent company financial statements for 2019 Chapter 5.5 292
Consolidated financial statements for 2019 Chapter 5.3 188
Management report    
  • Business activities of the Company and the Group
Chapter 1.4
Chapter 1.8
Chapter 6.2
  • Results and financial position
Chapter 5 179
  • Main risks
Chapter 3.1 (except 126
  • Non-financial statement
Chapter 4 143
  • Internal control and risk management procedures
    relating to the preparation and processing of financial
    and accounting information
Chapter 3.2 131
  • Information about the share capital, shareholders
    and share buyback programmes
Chapter 2.9 112
  • Corporate governance report
Chapter 2 37
Statement by the persons responsible for the information
(Statement by the persons responsible for the Annual Financial Report and Universal Registration Document)
Chapter 7.2 320
Statutory Auditors’ report on the Company’s financial statements Chapter 5.6 306
Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements Chapter 5.7 309
  • Fees paid to the Statutory Auditors
Chapter 5.3
(note 38)