Note 29 - Debt


The Group’s total debt breaks down as follows:

  31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Bonds 1,291 794
Bank loans 450 200
Debt related to put options granted to minority shareholders 12 10
Medium-Term Notes (NEU MTN)(**) 64 -
Other debt 17 15
Non-current debt excluding financial instruments designated as hedges of debt 1,834 1,019
Financial instruments designated as hedges of debt 8 1
Non-current debt 1,842 1,020
Bonds - 499
Bank loans 13 -
Debt related to put options granted to minority shareholders - -
Medium-Term Notes (NEU MTN)(**) - 19
Commercial paper (NEU CP)(*) 449 477
Other debt 70 70
Current debt excluding financial instruments designated as hedges of debt 532 1,065
Financial instruments designated as hedges of debt - -
Current debt 532 1,065
Total debt 2,374 2,085

(*) Negotiable European Commercial Paper.
(**) Negotiable European Medium Term Notes.

The main movements in debt during 2019 were as follows:

  • on 26 June 2019, Lagardère SCA announced that it had raised €253 million in financing through a Schuldscheindarlehen German law private placement. The placement consisted of several eurodenominated tranches issued with five- and seven-year maturities at fixed and floating rates, for €187 million and €66 million, respectively. The effective interest rate is 1.49%;
  • the €500 million worth of seven-year bonds issued in 2014 were redeemed in September 2019;
  • a new €500 million fixed-rate bond issue was launched in October 2019, maturing in 2026. The effective interest rate is 2.26%;
  • continuation of the commercial paper (NEU CP) programme with a ceiling of €850 million. Debt issues under the programme represented €449 million at 31 December 2019 compared with €477 million at 31 December 2018;
  • continuation of the Negotiable European Medium Term Notes programme with a ceiling of €200 million. Debt issues under the programme represented €64 million at 31 December 2019 compared with €19 million at 31 December 2018.

Movements in liabilities arising from financing activities – which include the breakdown of movements in debt presented in the statement of cash flows – can be analysed as follows:

  31 Dec. 2018 Cash
in scope of
Effect of
changes in
Changes in
fair value
movements (***) 
31 Dec. 2019
Bonds 794 496 - - - 1 1,291
Bank loans 200 249 - - - 1 450
Medium-Term Notes
(NEU MTN)(**) 
- 64 - - - - 64
Other debt 15 10 (9) 1 - - 17
Financial instruments
designated as hedges
of debt
1 - - - 15 (8) 8
Non-current liabilities
arising from financing
1,010 819 (9) 1 15 (6) 1,830
Bonds 499 (500) - - - 1 -
Bank loans  - (11) 20 - - 4 13
Commercial Paper
and debt securities
(NEU CP and NEU MTN)(*) 
496 (47) - - - - 449
Other debt - 2 - - - 6 8
Financial instruments
designated as hedges
of debt
- - - - - - -
Current liabilities arising
from financing activities
995 (556) 20 - - 11 470
Total liabilities arising
from financing activities(****)
2,005 263 11 1 15 5 2,300
Debt related to put options
granted to minority
10 - 1 - - 1 12
Short-term bank loans
and overdrafts
50 (10) (4) 4 - 5 45
Accrued interest 20 (8) - - 10 (5) 17
Total debt 2,085 245 8 5 25 6 2,374

(*) Negotiable European Commercial Papers – Titres négociables à court terme.
(**) Negotiable European Medium Term Notes – Titres négociables à moyen terme.
(***) Flux liés aux activités abandonnées et aux actifs destinés à être cédés.
(****) Les flux de trésorerie nets de passifs de 263 M€ issus des activités de financement correspondant aux augmentations (836 M€) et aux diminutions (-573 M€) des dettes financières dans l’état des flux de trésorerie.

Net debt breaks down as follows:

(in millions of euros) 31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018(*)
Short-term investments and cash and cash equivalents 913 710
Financial instruments designated as hedges of debt with a positive fair value(**) - 8
Non-current debt(***) (1 842) (1 020)
Current debt (532) (1 065)
Net debt (1 461) (1 367)

(*) Data at 31 December 2018 restated for the full retrospective application of IFRS 16 and for the reclassification of Lagardère Sports as a discontinued operation in accordance with IFRS 5 (see notes 1.1 and 4.3, respectively, to the consolidated financial statements).
(**) At 31 December 2018, financial instruments designated as hedges of debt with a positive fair value were included in “Other non-current assets” in an amount of €5 million and in “Other current assets” in an amount of €3 million.
(***) Non-current debt includes financial instruments designated as hedges of debt with a negative fair value, representing €8 million at 31 December 2019 and €1 million at 31 December 2018.

Debt breaks down as follows by maturity at 31 December 2019:

  2020 (*) 2021 2022 2023 2024 Beyond
5 years
Bonds - - - 497 298 496 1 291
Bank loans 13 147 50 - 187 66 463
Financial instruments
designated as hedges of debt
- - - 1 7 - 8
Debt related to put options
granted to minority
- 3 - 3 - 6 12
Commercial Paper(**) 449 64 - - - - 513
Other debt 70 1 4 1 2 9 87
At 31 December 2019 532 215 54 502 494 577 2 374

(*) Debt due within one year is reported in the consolidated balance sheet under “Current debt”.
(**) Commercial Paper and Medium-Term Notes.

Debt breaks down as follows by maturity at 31 December 2018:

  2019 (*) 2020 2021 2022 2023 Beyond
5 years
Bonds 499 - - - 497 297 1 293
Bank loans - 2 151 47 - - 200
Financial instruments designated as hedges of debt - - - - - 1 1
Debt related to put options granted to minority shareholders - 9 - 1 - - 10
Commercial Paper(**) 496 - - - - - 496
Other debt 70 13 - - - 2 85
At 31 December 2018 1 065 24 151 48 497 300 2 085

(*) Debt due within one year is reported in the consolidated balance sheet under “Current debt”.
(**) Commercial Paper and Medium-Term Notes.

The following tables provide an analysis of bonds and bank loans:

31 December 2019 Carrying amount Value of hedging
Total Effective interest
13 April 2016 seven-year bond issue,
for €500 million
497 1 498 2.90 %
21 June 2017 seven-year bond issue,
for €300 million
298 7 305 1.81 %
16 October 2019 seven-year bond issue,
for €500 million
496   496 2.26 %
Bonds 1,291 8 1,299  
Other debt 463 - 463  
Bank loans 463 - 463  
Total 1,754 8 1,762  

(*) Fair value of derivative instruments designated as hedges of debt.
(**) The effective interest rate on bonds includes the amortisation of the bond issue costs.

31 December 2018 Carrying amount Value of hedging
Total Effective interest
19 September 2014 5-year bond issue,
for €500 million
499 (3) 496 2.37%(***)
19 September 2014 5-year bond issue,
for €500 million
497 (5) 492 2.90%
21 June 2017 seven-year bond issue,
for €300 million
297 1 298 1.81%
Bonds 1,293 (7) 1,286  
Other debt 200 - 200  
Bank loans 200 - 200  
Total 1,493 (7) 1,486  

(*) Fair value of derivative instruments designated as hedges of debt.
(**) The effective interest rate on bonds includes the amortisation of the bond issue costs.
(***) The effective interest rate includes the impact of the amortisation of the pre-hedge interest rate set up before the bond issue and terminated at the time of the issue. The termination payment is being amortised over the life of the bond.

The following table provides a breakdown of current- and non-current debt by currency before and after hedging:

31 December 2019 Before hedging After hedging
    %   %
Eurozone 2,325 97.9% 1,492 62.8%
US dollar 4 0.2% 623 26.2%
Pound sterling 18 0.8% 74 3.1%
Australian dollar - 0.0% 38 1.6%
Canadian dollar - 0.0% 31 1.3%
Other 27 1.1% 116 4.9%
Total 2,374 100% 2,374 100%