1.6 Consolidated key figures for 2019


(in millions of euros) 2019(3) 2018(2)/(3) 2017(1)
Revenue 7 211 6 868 7 084
Recurring operating profit of fully consolidated
378 385 399
Non-recurring/non-operating items 27 63 (127)
of which impact of IFRS 16 on concession agreements(5) 60 41 -
Income from equity-accounted companies(6) 6 3 3


(IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2019(3) 2018(2)/(3) 2017(1)
Profit before finance costs and tax 411 451 275
Finance costs, net (53) (57) (73)
Interest expense on lease liabilities (85) (76) -
Income tax benefit (expense) (55) (124) 2
Profit (loss) from discontinued operations(3) (207) 5 -


(IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2019(3) 2018(2)/(3) 2017(1)
Profit for the year​ 11 199 204
o/w attributable to minority interests 26 22 28
o/w attributable to owners of the Parent (15) 177 176


(IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2019(3) 2018(2)/(3) 2017(1)
Total equity 1 672 1 868 1 924


(IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2019(3) 2018(2)/(3) 2017(1)
Cash and cash equivalents (net debt) (1 461) (1 367) (1 367)


(IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2019(3) 2018(2)/(3) 2017(1)
Goodwill 1 564 1 624 1 809


(IN MILLIONS OF EUROS) 2019(3) 2018(2)/(3)) 2017(1)
Investments 502 554 321

(1) 2017 data restated for the retrospective application of IFRS 15.
(2) 2018 data restated for the full retrospective application of IFRS 16 (see note 1.1 to the consolidated financial statements).
(3) In accordance with IFRS 5, Lagardère Sports has been classified as a discontinued operation at 31 December 2019. Its earnings and cash flows for 2019 and 2018 were respectively classified in profit (loss) from discontinued operations and net cash from (used in) discontinued operations (see note 4.3 to the consolidated financial statements).
(4) Recurring operating profit of fully consolidated companies is defined in note 3.3 to the consolidated financial statements as profit before finance costs and tax excluding the following income statement items:

  • income (loss) from equity-accounted companies;
  • gains (losses) on disposals of assets;
  • impairment losses on goodwill, property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investments in equity-accounted companies;
  • net restructuring costs;
  • items related to business combinations:
    • acquisition-related expenses,
    • gains and losses resulting from purchase price adjustments and fair value adjustments due to changes in control,
    • amortisation of acquisition-related intangible assets;
  • items related to leases and to finance lease sub-letting arrangements:
    • excluding gains and losses on lease modifications,
    • exclusion des amortissements des droits d’utilisation d’actifs des contrats de concessions ;
    • including decreases in lease liabilities under concession agreements,
    • including interest paid on lease liabilities under concession agreements,
    • including changes in working capital relating to lease liabilities under concession agreements;
  • specific major disputes unrelated to the Group’s operating performance.

(5) Including gains and losses on lease modifications.
(6) Before impairment losses.


  2019 (4) 2018 (2)/(4) 2017 (1)
(in euros) basic diluted(3) basic diluted(3)) basic diluted(3)
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Parent, per share (0,12) (0,12) 1,36 1,34 1,36 1,34
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent, per share 11,73 11,58 13,21 13,04 13,76 13,56
Cash flow from operations before change in working capital, per share(4) 3,82 3,77 3,39 3,34 4,13 4,07
Share price at 31 December 19,43 22,02 26,73
Dividend 1,00 (5) 1,30 1,30
Extra dividend - - -

(1) 2017 data restated for the retrospective application of IFRS 15.
(2) 2018 data restated for the full retrospective application of IFRS 16 (see note 1.1 to the consolidated financial statements).
(3) The method used to calculate diluted earnings per share is described in note 15 to the consolidated financial statements.
(4) In accordance with IFRS 5, Lagardère Sports has been classified as a discontinued operation at 31 December 2019. Its earnings and cash flows for 2019 and 2018 were respectively classified in profit (loss) from discontinued operations and net cash from (used in) discontinued operations (see note 4.3 to the consolidated financial statements).
(5)Dividend submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 5 May 2020.