Note 24 - Other current assets

Other current assets break down as follows:

  31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018(*)
Receivable from authors 295 306
Recoverable taxes and payroll taxes 217 222
Prepaid expenses 57 129
Receivable from suppliers 80 79
Advances paid 42 35
Signing fees - 15
Derivative financial instruments(**) 1 7
Loans 6 9
Contract assets(***) - 5
Other 59 89
Total 757 896
Accumulated impairment losses (40) (24)
Carrying amount 717 8

(*) Data at 31 December 2018 restated for the full retrospective application of IFRS 16 (see note 1.1).
(**) See note 31.1 for more details on derivative financial instruments.
(***) See note 25.

 Analysis of impairment losses 2019 2018
At 1 January (24) (52)
Impairment losses (recognised) reversed in the year (34) (17)
Other movements and translation adjustments 18 45
At 31 December (40) (24)