Note 21 - Other non-current assets

Other non-current assets break down as follows:

Carrying amount 31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Investments in non-consolidated companies 43 30
Loans and receivables 111 76
Signing fees - 85
Derivative financial instruments(*) - 5
Total 154 196

(*) See note 31.1.

Investments in non-consolidated companies include the following:

  31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Carrying amount Carrying amount % interest Carrying amount % interest
FCPI Idinvest Digital Fund II 11 7% 11 7%
Other 32 - 19 -
Total 43   30  

The above investments are classified as investments in non-consolidated companies. No fair value adjustments were recognised in equity in respect of investments in non-consolidated companies in 2019. Cumulative fair value adjustments on investments in non-consolidated companies at 31 December 2019 amounted to a negative €1 million.

Loans and receivables can be analysed as follows:

Loans and receivables 31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Gross amount 141 105
Accumulated impairment losses (30) (29)
Carrying amount 111 76


Analysis of impairment losses 2019 2018
At 1 January (29) (24)
Impairment losses (recognised) reversed in the year (1) (1)
Other movements and translation adjustments - (4)
At 31 December (30) (29)

Loans and receivables included in non-current financial assets mainly comprise deposits, loans and receivables with an estimated maturity of more than one year. They also include financial receivables resulting from finance leases (sub-letting arrangements) for €27 million at 31 December 2019.