Note 26 - Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents reported in the statement of cash flows are calculated as follows:

  31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Cash and cash equivalents 913 710
Short-term bank loans and overdrafts (45) (50)
Cash and cash equivalents, net 868 660

Cash and cash equivalents break down as follows:

  31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Bank accounts 753 431
Money market funds 33 213
Term deposits and current accounts maturing in less than three months 127 66
Cash and cash equivalents 913 710

Changes in working capital as reported in the statement of cash flows can be analysed as follows:

  31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
Change in inventories (26) (23)
Change in trade receivables (50) -
Change in trade payables 80 33
Change in other receivables and payables 30 7
Change in lease liabilities (9) (1)
Changes in working capital(*) 25 1

(*) Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents.

Changes in working capital represented a positive €25 million impact over the year, after a positive €16 million impact in 2018. Changes in cash and cash equivalents attributable to lease liabilities relate to new building leases in France in Other Activities, in respect of which rent-free periods have been negotiated.
Changes in working capital excluding lease liabilities represented a positive €16 million impact, reflecting (i) a rise of €49 million for Lagardère Publishing resulting from lower author advances at the end of the year and a year-on-year reduction in Partworks inventories, which had been affected by a busy launch schedule at the end of 2017, and (ii) a rise of €26 million for the non-retained scope, including a €22 million inflow relating to the collection of a portion of the proceeds from the sale of most of the magazine publishing titles to Czech Media Invest (CMI). The positive impact was offset by a €73 million negative impact for Lagardère Travel Retail (2018 had been boosted by a favourable one-off impact linked to the working capital optimisation drive).